Willie Nelson’s 12 Most Memorable Acting Roles
As a rogue lawman on ‘Miami Vice’ or a sage old cowboy in ‘The Electric Horseman,’ Willie Nelson always plays it to the hilt

Willie Nelson in Barbarosa
Courtesy: Everett Collection
Whether playing a vengeful preacher in Red Headed Stranger or a killer version of himself on USA’s Monk, Willie Nelson is as at home in front of a camera as he is onstage. With a natural charisma and a drawling way with dialogue (his phrasing is as unique as the way he sings), Nelson has been casting bait for directors since Sydney Pollack first placed him opposite Robert Redford in 1979’s The Electric Horseman. We count down a dozen of his most memorable roles, including his epic 1986 Miami Vice appearance and — run for the border! — a Taco Bell commercial in 1991.