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Song You Need to Know: Neish, ‘Bury Me’

The rising indie singer-songwriter reveals feelings she felt during a controlling relationship in her second single



Music has different meanings for everybody. Whether it captures the feeling of a time gone by, or it’s just something that fills the background as you go about your day, each person experiences music differently.

For indie singer-songwriter Neish, music was the tool she needed to express how she felt. Having been diagnosed with social anxiety at an early age, she began writing songs and expressing her creativity aged 13, despite being “basically non-verbal” until around 15.

“Since I was a kid it has always been hard for me to communicate anything,” Neish – otherwise known as Taneisha Swanson – says. “I’ve been diagnosed with social anxiety and I think I’ve had it since I was little. It’s always been really hard to talk to people and be open about things my whole life. Until I discovered music, and the fact that music can do that, and it was such a relief when I wrote my first song.”

She is, of course, in fine company: Nick Drake, Lucy Dacus, girl in red, and so many more songwriters have used music as a vessel to break out of their quiet world.

Neish’s new release “Bury Me” – just her second single – reveals feelings she felt during a controlling relationship. Demonstrating extreme vulnerability, her voice echoes solemnly out over a slow guitar melody, rising to a dramatic and hopeful climax: “Give a little space / Give a little time / For some healing,” she sings, firm in her response.

“I’ve always been a pretty creative person and I always try and write my songs to be true to what I’ve experienced,” she Neish explains. “I don’t think I could ever write a song about something I haven’t experienced because I feel it wouldn’t be true to me. It’s definitely changed my life in terms of mental health and I’ve found something that I genuinely enjoy doing.”

Though “Bury Me” is clearly specific to Neish’s life, the rising star has already proved her innate ability to describe her own experiences in a universal way. “Bury Me” may have a visceral and threatening title, but Neish’s soft and soothing touch removes all intensity, offering hope for anyone listening experiencing a similar struggle.

After winning the prestigious QMusic Billy Thorpe Scholarship last year, 2024 is shaping up to be another big year for Neish.

Neish’s “Bury Me” is out now via Space 44 Records.