Neil Young has canceled his plans to perform a free concert in Ukraine ahead of his upcoming European summer tour with the Chrome Hearts, citing safety concerns.
Earlier this month, Young wrote on his official website, “We are currently in talks and will make the announcement here at [the Neil Young Archives]. Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World.”
However, an official date for the show was never scheduled, and on Thursday, Young delivered the unfortunate news that the concert was off entirely. “We had a good venue, close to a shelter, but the changing situation on the ground was too much,” Young wrote on his Archives page.
“I could not in good conscience take my crew and instruments into that area. My apologies to all. Ukraine is a great country with a good leader. Slava Ukraini.”
Young had never previously played in Ukraine, but he’s been a very vocal backer of the nation ever since it was invaded by Russia in 2022. Young has also been extremely critical of President Trump.
“Under 47’s leadership, the US has lost its standing,” Young wrote late last month in a post titled Leader of the Free World No More. “Loyalists will never be stronger than Patriots, and Patriots are in the majority here in the USA. Our Patriots will take to the streets to peacefully demonstrate. There will be a moment of truth in our country and we will show the world who we really are. The USA will again be the leader of the Free World.”
In October, Young endorsed Kamala Harris for president. “She is an honest forthright truth teller who is experienced in the White House, free from ambiguity or evasiveness, who goes straight to the point,” he wrote. “Clear headed, young enough to hold the office for a couple of bright future terms, Kamala Harris is a good person who is unafraid to take on criminals and uphold the law of the USA. She’s my candidate for the future of this great country.”
Young’s political activism goes back to 1970 when he blasted Richard Nixon in his protest anthem “Ohio.” He briefly flirted with support for Ronald Reagan in the early Eighties, but has been committed to the Democratic party ever since. His 1989 comeback hit “Rockin’ in the Free World” took direct aim at George H.W. Bush (“We got a thousand points of light/For the homeless man/We got a kinder, gentler, machine-gun hand”). In 2006, he went even harder at Bush’s son, George W. Bush, on “Let’s Impeach the President” during CSNY’s Freedom of Speech Tour.
Young’s tour kicks off a long run of dates across Europe and North America. “Music unites!” Young wrote when announcing the tour. “We will be there with you! Join us as we celebrate the Summer of Democracy. Old songs and new songs. Old words and new words. Long jams! We will come together this summer. The Chrome Hearts and I are ready for you! LOVE and Democracy reigns in the USA and the world.”
This story was updated Thursday, March 20 with news of the canceled Ukraine show.
From Rolling Stone US