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Jensen McRae Turns Her Viral Phoebe Bridgers Parody Into a Real Song

“Immune” arrives ahead of McRae’s debut album

Earlier this month, singer-songwriter Jensen McRae joked on Twitter: “In 2023, Phoebe Bridgers is gonna drop her third album & the opening track will be about hooking up in the car while waiting in line to get vaccinated at Dodger Stadium and it’s gonna make me cry.”

The tweet went viral, so much so that McRae followed it up with a short video clip performing “a preemptive cover” of the song, which got the attention of Bridgers herself. Now, McRae has gone a step further, putting out a full studio version of the Bridgers parody titled “Immune.”

“A couple of weeks ago I had this idea about the idea of the vaccination anthem,” McRae said in a statement. “This pandemic has colored pop culture permanently, whether we like it or not. On the way to us, almost inevitably, are pandemic rom-coms and pandemic novels and, in my case, pandemic songs. This song came about partly as a joke, a parody of one of my favorite songwriters of all time, Phoebe Bridgers, who specialises in dark, spare, precise lyrics about Our Unprecedented Times.”

McRae recorded the track with Kendrick Lamar producer Rahki, who also worked with her on her upcoming debut album, set to drop later this year.

“My prediction about how Bridgers would tackle love in the time of vaccination — and an accompanying clip of the hypothetical song — took off on Twitter, so me and my producer, Rahki, decided to finish the song and turn it into something that sounds like me,” she said. “It’s about how the emotional stakes of our relationships have been ratcheted up in light of global calamity, about hipsters and science and dogs and love. Enjoy.”

From Rolling Stone US