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Dave Grohl Put in 18 Hours on the Grill – Again – to Feed Underserved Communities in L.A.

Last week, the Foo Fighters leader fed more than 500 people at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles

Dave Grohl

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Feed the Streets, the community-based non-profit organization servicing underserved communities in Los Angeles and New York, has found something of an in-house chef in Dave Grohl. The Foo Fighters leader recently spent 18 hours smoking and grilling round after round of meat to help the organization hit its goal of serving 3,500 meals in need-based communities in L.A.

“We’ve been trying to figure out ways to keep up with our activations and continue to put out 3,500 meals a month,” Feed the Streets shared on Instagram. “It’s not an easy task, especially when several communities experiencing food insecurity rely on us for a decent meal five times a week. On one of those wet and cold rainy days we received a text from none other than Dave Grohl (code name: Dolce & Gabana) — he said he heard about what we were doing and wanted to help out.”

The organization shared a video of Grohl loading up multiple grills and covering slabs of meat with their special rub for the hours-long cooking process. “He spent 18 hours straight smoking brisket, ribs and pork — with a cooking crew,” Feed the Streets shared. “They stayed up all night and into the sunrise.”

The following day, Grohl and his team assisted in packaging the food and transporting it to MacArthur Park. “All they had to do was drop it off and leave, however they decided to stay and work the line — serve the BBQ with our crew until everyone at the park was fed,” the organization explained. “If that ain’t a hero we don’t know wtf is. Stay tuned, D & G will be back on the blocks to serve Yucca and Skid Row soon!”

Last week, Grohl assisted Hope of the Valley, another non-profit providing services for individuals in need of food, shelter and clothing, by cooking enough meat to serve 500 people. He spent 16 hours on the offering that included ribs, pork butt, brisket, cabbage, coleslaw, and beans.

From Rolling Stone US