“I feel like I’m still having to tell people I’m Australian.” That’s what Sam Fischer told Rolling Stone AU/NZ in late March, two months before the Sydney-born singer-songwriter travelled back to Australia for a tour of his home country.
But Fischer, now based in the US, needn’t have worried, because his Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne shows showcasing to his compatriots what the rest of the world has known for a while now: Guy Sebastian’s collaborator is a heartfelt songwriter who knows how to pen a hit or two.
To celebrate his homecoming tour, Fischer put together a collection of highlights from his Australian travels for Rolling Stone AU/NZ, which you can check out below.
While he’ll surely back in his home country sometime soon, for now Fischer turns his attention to his North America tour, with stops scheduled in Philadelphia, New York City, Toronto, Chicago, and more this month (more information here).
In the hotel room in Brisbane working on the emotional journey of the show with my music director Marton.

Marton doubles as a trainer on tour – I’d be a shell of a human and artist without him!

Backstage at The Zoo. The green room had a bunch of old school barber chairs, so obviously I had to have Marton giving me a shave using a wine bottle opener… it didn’t look great.

Life on the road in a nutshell. At Brisbane airport taking up way too much space at airports.

Backstage at Oxford Arts Factory in Sydney, kneeling on the floor getting my hair together for the show.

12:30am after the show in Melbourne. “This City” bracelet gift from a fan in mouth, lying naked on the bed, delusional and denying the fact that I have to be up in two and a half hours to get to the airport to fly to LA.

Tattoos before tour. Lauren Winzer is my favourite tattoo artist and she slayed – something to remember my debut album I Love You, Please Don’t Hate Me by.

My Australian dream team. There might only be three of us but we put on a bigggg show… the emotional difference between me and Marton and Brendan really gives you a sense of who grounds who here.