14 Biggest Harry Potter Scandals of All Time
Lawsuits, parodies, love affairs, full frontal nudity and more

Rags-to-riches billionaire author J.K. Rowling is nothing if not protective of her life’s work. Since the release of the first novel in the Harry Potter series in 1997, Rowling and her corporate sidekicks Bloomsbury, Scholastic and Warner Bros. have gone after everyone from the U.S. Army, adolescent girls and sweet old librarians – and Rowling herself was accused of stealing her entire storyline from a penniless writer who wrote an 18-page book before he died. In the meantime, the teenage stars of the Harry Potter films found time to do a little damage as well: They got high, lost their virginity to a cougar and flashed their undies to the world.
Here are the 14 most shocking Harry Potter scandals of all time.
From Rolling Stone US