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Clairo Makes ‘Juna’ Her First Music Video in Years

Singer pairs her surprise hit from Charm with a wrestling-themed visual

Clairo music video

Three albums into her career, Clairo did something Sunday that she hasn’t done in six years: Release a music video.

The singer born Claire Cottrill has shared the new visual for “Juna,” a standout and surprise hit from her recently released LP Charm. Clairo already staged a rare late-night performance to highlight the track, and — with the track still ascending up the charts — went the extra mile to give “Juna” an actual music video, something the singer hadn’t done previously for the songs on her past two albums Immunity and Sling.

In the Bradley J Calder-directed clip, Cottrill attends one of those independent circuit wrestling shows they put on in a VFW, with the singer first witnessing a royal rumble-type battle alone before she’s later joined by a crowd. Clairo then poses with the Beyond Wrestling combatants backstage while everyone else — from the audience to ring announcer — mouths along with the song’s closing melody.

Following the release of Charm, Cottrill gave Rolling Stone a track-by-track breakdown of the album, including “Juna,” which she called “probably my favorite one on the album besides ‘Second Nature.’”

“I made that song not thinking it was going to become huge. [The performance on Fallon] was going to be ‘Sexy to Someone,’ and then everything started happening with ‘Juna,’” Cottrill said. “So we changed it maybe two days before, which was nerve-wracking, but super sweet. I just wasn’t anticipating doing mouth trumpet on television.”

From Rolling Stone US